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Advantages of hiring a self-employed translator include:


Consistent Style: When you hire the same self-employed translator for your projects, you can expect a consistent style throughout. This is particularly important for ongoing projects, where consistency in terminology, tone, and style is crucial for maintaining brand consistency.


Glossary Utilization: Providing a glossary of terms to a self-employed translator is a useful way to ensure that the same terminology is used consistently throughout the project. This is particularly beneficial when translating technical documents, where precise use of terminology is essential.


Direct Communication: Hiring a self-employed translator allows you to communicate directly with them, enabling you to ask questions, provide feedback, or request revisions easily. This facilitates quick and efficient communication and ensures that any queries or concerns can be addressed promptly.


Flexibility: Self-employed translators can be more flexible in their work schedule and rates, and they may be more willing to accommodate specific project requirements or deadlines. This can be particularly helpful for urgent or specialized projects that require a quick turnaround.


Disadvantages of hiring a self-employed translator include:


Capacity Limitations: As a self-employed translator, there is a limit to the amount of work one can handle at a time. Therefore, if you have large-quantity or urgent orders with short lead times, it may be difficult for a self-employed translator to accept and complete the project within your required timeframe.


Legal Structure Limitations: Self-employed translators are typically sole proprietors and may not be incorporated. This may limit potential business partnerships with clients who only work with corporations. However, self-employed translators can still provide services as vendors and issue invoices with a trade name seal, so it is possible to provide the same services as a corporation.

  Translation Services:


Legal Document Translation: I offer E-J and J-E translations of legal documents, including contracts, by-laws, and accounting and financial related documents and reports. As an experienced legal translator, I ensure that the translation is accurate, precise, and compliant with legal terminology and requirements.


Internal Document Translation: I also provide E-J and J-E translations of various internal documents such as meeting minutes and presentation materials for sales. I understand the importance of maintaining consistent tone and style throughout your documents and provide high-quality translations that capture the intended meaning and nuances of the original text.


General Business Document Translation: In addition to legal and internal documents, I also offer translation services for various general business documents such as emails, marketing materials, and other types of correspondence. Whether it is a simple one-page document or a complex project with multiple documents, I am committed to delivering accurate and timely translations.



I was born in Nagoya City in Aichi Prefecture in 1971 and graduated from Aichi Prefectural University with a degree in Foreign Studies.


After graduation, I gained experience in various industries including hospitality and trade. I later worked as an in-house translator for a food manufacturer and an automobile parts manufacturer for a total of five and a half years.


In 2011, I decided to become a freelance translator and have since accumulated 15 years of experience in the field. As a translator, I have had the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects, including legal documents, marketing materials, and technical manuals for clients in various industries.


I am passionate about providing high-quality translations that accurately capture the meaning and nuances of the original text. I strive to ensure that my translations are not only technically accurate but also read naturally in the target language.